Becoming a first-time CEO is an exciting new challenge. But it can also be daunting.
Taking on the role of CEO is just the start of a journey. While you bring a wealth of experience to the position, nothing can fully prepare you for the demands. As a result, first-time CEOs can feel overwhelmed, indecisive or lonely. This first-time CEO survival guide addresses the root of those symptoms and provides direction to create a rewarding path forward for yourself and your business.
What you will learn:
About us
Vistage is the world’s largest CEO coaching and peer advisory organisation for small and midsize businesses. For 65+ years, we’ve been helping CEOs, business owners and key executives solve their greatest challenges through confidential peer groups and one-to one executive coaching sessions. Today, more than 45,000 members in 35+ countries rely on us to help make better decisions for their companies, families and communities. Explore membership here