Our members
The collective wisdom of leaders coming together to power performance
Across a range of industries, our members past and present share the impact that Vistage membership has had on themselves and their businesses. Honing their decision making skills when facing critical business challenges and driving real growth.

Sara Blunt
CEO of Kalyra Communities
‘As a CEO, I’m fortunate enough to have a board to report to, which helps with business direction and growth. Being able to complement this with a pool of people at the same level as me across various industries inspires me to be creative, provides me with a safe place to bounce ideas and always offers a fresh perspective for me to consider.’

Shane Kelly
R&D of Kelly Tillage Australia
‘Vistage became my board, my mentors and my peers as I grew a business twenty fold in a regional area of South Australia. I needed to surround myself with interesting and challenging people who could help me understand and shape a company that grew in isolation, where I couldn’t go for a coffee with a colleague or mentor, where I couldn’t benchmark or call in for inspiration. Our journey from farming to manufacturing in three continents and servicing the globe was supported at every step by the skills, the relationships, the challenging and care that Vistage provided.’

Alister Haigh
CEO of Haigh’s Chocolates
‘I have been a member of Vistage (previously TEC) since 1996 and when I joined, we were a small family company with no outside Board directors. I joined not only to improve my management and leadership skills but also to set our company up for future generations. Our sales and profits are now ten times what they were then, we have 3 non-executive directors, including a non-family Chair on our Board and a very strong non-family executive team thanks to what I have learnt over the years, mainly through TEC and my great Chair Keith Brooks.’

Jodie Hawkes
CEO of Bowhill Engineering
‘Vistage is my sanity check; for myself, our business and our community. I love the speakers, but even more I love the opportunity to delve deep into others issues which almost always leave me with my own take-away and opportunity for improvement.’

Danie Blom
Founder of Accesstel Pty Ltd
‘Vistage provides the opportunity to learn from others and as a leader, if you don’t have a network of CEOs you don’t know what’s happening in other businesses. Seeing similar problems tells me that I’m not unique and that we’re okay. Making time to think about the business is so valuable, and has allowed me to work on the business rather than in the business.’
Vistage Perspectives Magazine

Bill Maloukis
Managing Director of Construction Specialties Australia
‘Vistage’s structured peer advisory model has been instrumental in my growth as a leader and has made a significant difference to how I approach challenges and opportunities. I highly recommend Vistage to any executive or C-suite leader seeking an impactful development experience.’

Timna Kerr
Sales Director of GAMA Heathcare
‘Planning and being held accountable is magic, I actually get to stop, sit down and map out professionally and personally, what is it that I want to do in the next 12 months. It makes such a difference.’

Ross Sardi
CEO of First Focus IT
‘We introduced Vistage to our team members after the value I’ve personally taken from peer-to-peer mentoring. Hearing about other people’s experiences is a great asset and can help to facilitate learning and perspective.’

Rodney Frost
CEO of The Lamson Group
‘I wanted a place where I could go and learn and invest in my own personal and professional development. I didn’t really know that I needed it at the time, but having a non-executive board that would hold me accountable and give me a place to present ideas and work through challenges together is something that I’ve found invaluable on my business journey.’

Ala Mobedi
Founder of Mentor Healthcare
‘Having a peer advisory group with diverse styles and strategies offers a genuine way of professional development that suits different people. The true value of Vistage is hearing from someone else’s unique approach, which helps me adapt my own style based on their advice.’

Bronwyn Condon
Managing Partner of Marsh & Partners
‘The one-to-ones we do with our Chair, once a month are great. They let us voice our issues and work through solutions for our businesses. Also the speakers we have on a monthly basis are on all sorts of topics and, nine times out of 10, I would use that with 12 different clients in the coming month,’

Chris Nelson
Managing Director of Juicebox
‘I find great value in having a confidential sounding board for ideas and challenges, and am continually learning from the expert resources who share their passion and breadth of knowledge to challenge and provide critical perspectives to the group.’

Ben Friedlander
Head of Quality of Metholatum Australia
‘My ability to look at trends in the future and see around corners has probably increased dramatically as well, because Vistage provides me with great insights from others that are in senior positions that are not in our industry, that have had great experiences.’

Frank Caruso
Caruso’s Natural Health
‘I’ve said several times at my Vistage meetings that I wouldn’t be in the position I am in today if it wasn’t for the insights, support and guidance of my fellow members. I hope I’ve delivered as much back to my group too.’
Ready to take your leadership to the next level?
Find out why our members rely on their peer advisory groups to help them make critical decisions, face their greatest challenges and explore their biggest opportunities.
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Our Approach
Executive coaching alone can’t compete with Vistage’s proven approach to leadership development. Diverse perspectives from trusted peers, an experienced executive coach (Chair) and subject matter experts help drive better results.
Our Chairs
Vistage Chairs provide leadership coaching and mentoring with real-world experience. They’re also passionate individuals, invested in helping all members grow and succeed.
Our Programs
Purpose-built Leadership Development Programs cover all leadership levels, including CEOs, business owners and senior executives.